The Documents For Seting Up Foreign-Funded Enterprise
1. 投资方的注册证明,经过当地公证机构公证的公证文件,并经过中国驻当地大使馆认证的认证文件。
The original authentic certificate of incorporation is offered by local notarization institution and the Chinese Consulate General shall authenticate the copy of the certificate of corporation of the investment.
2. 投资方法人代表护照复印件
One copy of passport of the legal representative of investor
3. 投资方概况
Outline of the investor (total volume of trade, operation scope, annual profit)
4. 需由投资方的开户银行出具资信证明(原件)2份
Two bank financial credit certificates of investors (needed the original)
5. 新公司董事会成员身份证明(或护照复印件),简历,家庭住址,联系电话,董事长或法人代表照片二张(如果没有董事会,就只提供执行董事的材料)
One copy of identification card (or passport) of the board of the directors and general manager (vice one) of new company. Their resume, address and telephone number will be needed. Each one should prepare two personal photos for being used.(if no directorate, only offer the files of the legal representative of new company)
6. 由投资方法人代表签署的授权书二份(正本)
The Appointment and Authority should be singed by the legal representative of investor
7. 被授权人身份证复印件
One copy of identification Card (or passport) of the person will be authority
注册外资公司费用清单(charge list)
1 行政收费 Administration Charge
名称核准费approve name fee 180元
批准证书费approve certificate 50元
公告费 affiche fee 4000元
注册费(按20万美金为例)register fee 1333元
工商IC卡费 IC card fee 280元
培训费 foster fee 150元
网络费 network fee 100元
刻公章 character cachet 800---1000元
企业代码 corporation code fee 365元
人民币基本户IC卡 bank account IC card fee for RMB 300元
外汇IC卡 bank account IC card fee for USD 300元
税务登记费 tax registtration fee 100元
海关登记费 custom registration fee 75元
验资费(以20万美金为标准)check the capital fee4000元
营业执照变更费 business license change fee 160元
企业代码变更费 corporation code change fee 228元
税务登记变更费 tax registration change fee 100元
共total: 人民币12521元
notes: administration fee can be change by government